Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
One of The Most Controversial Questions We Can Ask! The question that comprises the title of this page is, without doubt, one of the most controversial and confusing questions that we can ask. It is confusing, not because the evidence surrounding the answer is...
Who Did Jesus Claim To Be?
Before we look at some of the evidence which proves Jesus' claims to be true, we first look at some of His major claims. That is, we seek to answer the question, "Who did Jesus claim to be?" What things did He say about Himself or how did He respond to what others...
Why Should We Believe Jesus’ Claims?
Jesus made the most startling claims that any man could make - ultimately claiming equality with God. But, anyone can say anything. Simply because we say things, this does not automatically prove that these things are so. Therefore, we ask the question, "Why should we...
Ultimate Proof For Jesus’ Claims
Jesus' Ultimate Claim Although Jesus made many claims as we noted in another section, the ultimate claims that He made centered around His death and resurrection. If these claims are not true, then Jesus is reduced to an impostor, liar or lunatic. But, if they are...
Unproven Theories of Men
Rather than accepting the evidence given in the Scriptures that Jesus died and was raised from the dead, men have proposed various theories which attempt to "explain" what happened to Jesus. What follows is a brief explanation of the most popular among these theories....
Responding To These Theories
Response To The Theft Theory Here, we are asked to believe that someone stole the body of Jesus although no proof is offered that any had either a sufficient motive or opportunity to do so. Who had a motive to carry out this asserted crime? When we look at all three...