Apparent Contradictions
What about differences between the four gospels?
Question In Luke's version it says that Jesus was tempted with bread, then control over all the kingdoms in the world, and finally taken to Jerusalem. In Matthew's account of the story, the order goes bread, Jerusalem, and then the kingdoms. Is there an oversight on...
Does God’s Prohibition To Kill Include Killing animals?
Question If the Bible says thou shall not kill then we shouldn't eat kill or wear animals right? Answer The Holy Scriptures do condemn murder, but murder of people, not animals. Gen 1:24-28 24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,...
Conflicts About Jesus’ Genealogy?
Question Hi! i have a question regarding the genealogy of Christ. If you will read Matt. 1:2-15, you can trace His lineage after David with Solomon, then down to His "father" Joseph. But if you will read Luke 3:23-32, it is from His "father" Joseph, upto Nathan (not...
Confict Between Genesis 1 and 2 Creations Accounts?
Question Explain the two creation accounts and reconcile them with each other. Answer When we look at the first two chapters of Genesis, we should not consider them as two different (and possibly contradictory) accounts of Creation, but rather each chapter has two...