The Holy Spirit

How does the Holy Spirit convict us of sins?

Question What does conviction really mean? Also can you tell me some verses about conviction in the Bible?  Answer Jesus promised His Apostles, when they were concerned about His going away: John 16:7-11 (NAS) 7 "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that...

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What is the work of the Holy Spirit?

Qustion What is the work of the Holy Spirit?  Answeer The work of the Holy Spirit in the purpose of God is communication. John 14 tells us that Jesus promised his disciples to send them a Comforter (another like unto himself) after he went away."he shall teach you all...

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Does the Spirit speak directly to us today?

Question I would like you to explain to me a little more in depth why you don't feel the Spirit speaks directly to us today. If that were the case, It would seem that all the wonders that people do in Jesus' name (ie Preach the word of God, Convert the lost, and pray...

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Do we get the Holy Spirit when we are saved?

Question When you are saved do you get the Holy Spirit then or do you have him from birth?  Answer Thank you for your question regarding the Holy Spirit. Much has been written and a great deal of confusion exists regarding this member of diety. I will try to answer...

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Does the Holy Spirit dwell in us today?

Question Does the holy spirit dwell in us always?  Answer The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit dwells in those who are obedient to God's Word, just as God and Christ dwell within the person who is obedient. However, there is more to your question than that answer...

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Why do some not speak in tongues?

Question Why is it that some people speak in tongues and others do not?  Answer Speaking in tongues has been and will contine to be a topic of debate. This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and misapplied topics in the Bible. The actual gift of speaking in...

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Question Do You believe in Pentacost?  Answer I believe Pentecost, the Jewish feast day 50 days after Passover was the day the gospel was first preached by the Apostles. See Acts 2. This resulted in 3000 being saved by repenting and being baptized for remission of...

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Spiritual gifts

Question Thank you for this site.I am having a problem understanding something a this is it. concerning the gifts of the Spirit is it possible for one person to have more than one gift? If so were does it tell us in the Bible?  Answer To begin with, the Apostles were...

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