
Can one be baptized without belonging to a church or denomination? If so, how? 


You have asked a wonderful question that so many are confused about. However, turning to the New Testament, we can clearly answer this most important question.

First, when we see the gospel first preached in Acts 2, there were thousands baptized on that day for the purpose of receiving forgiveness of sins. They were in conflict with Jesus who had been established as Lord and King but when they believed in Him, they were commanded to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. Acts 2:36-38. When they did this, they became simply Christians, members of that group of people that belonged to Jesus, His body or church. Acts 2:42, 47, 1 Cor. 12:13-14.

When they were baptized they did not belong to any church or man-made denomination. After they were baptized, they became a part of Jesus’ one church (assembly of saved people). They had been baptized into a relationship with Christ, not into any man-made denomination. Gal. 3:2y6-29, Rom. 6:1-7. The only church we should be a part of is the one Jesus built by dying for us, being raised from the dead, receiving authority over all and revealing the message of salvation to us through the apostles by the Holy Spirit. Matt. 16:13-20. His church is composed of all individuals who have expressed obedient faith in Him and continue to follow the apostles’ teaching. Eph. 5:22-25, Acts 2:42.

After being baptized, we are commanded to work and worship together with other Christians in local assemblies (churches). Therefore, we should join ourselves to a local church that is seeking to follow the apostles’ teaching and not denominational teachings. Acts 9:26, Rom. 16:16, 1 Cor. 1:1-2, Acts 2:42, 1 Cor. 16:1-4, 11:17-34, Chapter 5, 2 Cor. 11:8-9.

How do we know which local church to join? We should look at every aspect of that local church from what they call themselves, to their work and worship and if they are not conforming to the apostles’ teaching and refuse to change, then we should look for a group that is seeking to do so. For example, we should not meet with a Catholic or Baptist church simply because they call themselves by humanly devised names and follow humanly devised teachings, none of which can be confirmed in the Bible. This would be true for any denomination.

To summarize, when we are baptized we do not belong to any church whether it is a denomination or Jesus’ church (saved body of people). But, when we are baptized for forgiveness of sins by His authority, we become a part of His body (assembly of saved people) His church and are subject to obey him in all things given in the apostles’ teaching. Acts 2, Eph. 1:18-23, 5:22-25. As the Head commands us, we search for people who are seeking to follow the apostles’ teaching so we can work and worship as He has commanded. We should never seek to join ourselves to any denomination but only to a local group of Christians who are striving to do His will according to the New Testament. For some listings of some local churches you can visit in your area, please go to and click on the picture of the church building on the left side of the navigation image. If I can help you or anyone reading this question on my site in understanding this more or locating a local church near you, please contact me at any time by phone or email.

By Gary Hunt