I have a question about prophets, how do you know if they are false or actual prophets?
As to prophets and how we can know the difference between true and false statements, this is a wonderful question. First, we will examine the two tests given to Israel so they might determine what prophet was true or false as they would make stamens about the future and then we will look at whether there are active prophets today. Finally, if there are not active prophets today, then is there any application of these principles to us today.
Two tests by which Israel was to judge prophets.
1. If the prophet did not agree with previous know Divine revelation, then he and his stamens were to be rejected by the people. Deut. 13:1-11. Note that even if he performs a so-called miracle, he is still to be rejected if he conflicts with known revelation. The example here is, if he teaches you to serve other gods, then it does not matter about anything else he does, he, along with his message is to be rejected.
2. If the prophecy comes to pass, then you will know the prophet is truthful. Deut. 18:18-22. Taken along with the first, it is clear that the prophets would be rejected if their prophecies did not come true. There could be no mistakes made by these prophets. God does not make any wrong predictions!
Are there prophets today?
All of God’s revelation has been completed. The apostles make this clear. Jude 3. Just as Jesus was offered only once on the cross for our sins, so that salvation of mankind was revealed only once. Anyone who preaches another gospel is accursed. Gal. 1:6-9.
Further, Paul clearly says that prophecies will end. They ended when the revelation was completed, written down for us to understand. 1 Cor. 13:8-13. their is no need to confirm the written word because it has already been completed and confirmed by miracles, including various predictions made by men guided by the Holy Spirit.
What application does this have for us today?
We need to judge people’s teaching by what the Scriptures teach. Acts 17:10-12, 1 John 4:1-6. If they go beyond it or conflict with it, then their message needs to be rejected. But, we should not be deceived by people calling themselves prophets. They speak presumptuously and they will be judged for it along with those who follow them.
By Gary Hunt