
A study of the role of individual Christians and local churches in evangelism, spreading the gospel to the lost. Many have confused individual obligations in evangelism with those of a local church. From that, they have taught and practiced many unathorized things pointing to the results of their activities as justificaiton rather than the Word of God. Let us follow what the new Testament teaches trusting that God knows best and lay aside those things that are against His will.

Main Points of This Class

The Individual Christian, The Local Church and Evangelism

  1. What is evangelism?
  2. Individual Christian and evangelism
  3. The local church and evangelism
  4. The New Testament says nothing about…

The Individual Christian And Evangelism

  1. Teach gospel to lost as we have opportunity
  2. Live righteous life before lost to encourage their obedience
  3. Refer lost to others who can teach them gospel
  4. Support evangelists who preach gospel
  5. Combine with other Christians in evangelistic efforts

The Local Church And Evangelism

  1. Local church evangelistic work authorized
  2. Local church may support preacher working with them
  3. Local church may support preacher in another area
  4. Several local churches may support preacher in other area
  5. Local church may provide evangelism training for members
  6. Local church may provide for special gospel efforts

The New Testament Says Nothing About…

  1. Local church using benevolence to evangelize
  2. Local church using recreation to evangelize
  3. Local churches supporting evangelistic organizations
  4. Local churches sending money through a sponsoring church

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By Gary Hunt