In Luke 10:7 and in a few other verses it talks about the workman being worthy of his hire. What do you think this refers to? Should a Pastor be getting paid for Pastoring a church(small church). Please give me your opinion.
Instead of opinion, I will seek to explain what the Scriptures teach about this subject. Yes, the Bible does teach that both evangelists and pastors can be supported by churches for the work that they do.
First, let me clarify the difference between evangelists (preachers) and pastors (elders). Many times these terms are misused. Sometimes when we use the term “pastor”, we often mean preacher. Although a pastor and a preacher can be one and the same, they do not always have to be.
A preacher is one who proclaims the Word of God both to the lost and to the saved. See 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus for a thorough understanding of his role.
A pastor (more commonly called elder although these refer to the same role in a local church) is one who is especially qualified to be a local church leader. The qualifications are clearly set down in the New Testament. See 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. These men are to oversee the work of the local congregation. Their scope of authority does not extend beyond the local congregation. Acts 14:23, 20:28-32, 1 Peter 5:1-4.
In certain situations, it is possible for a man to serve as both an elder (pastor) and a preacher. Note the passage in First Peter listed above. Peter was both an elder and a preacher.
Now to your question as to whether these men (preachers and pastors) can receive monetary support for their labors. The answer is “yes”. The passage quoted in Luke 10:7 leads us back to Deut. 25:4. Jesus applied this passage to mean that His disciples who He was sending out to preach to the lost sheep of Israel would be dependent upon the food and shelter given by those whom they would be teaching.
Paul later quotes this passage in 1 Cor. 9:1-15 where he plainly acknowledges the “right” of preachers to receive support from those whom they teach. Paul, at various times, received such support from local churches. 2 Cor. 11:8-9, Phil. 4:10-19.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of local churches to provide support for preachers working among them and also if possible to even help others who preach in different places. The money should be given directly to the man preaching and not sent through any type of agency or society. However, if circumstances demand it, a preacher might also provide most or all of his support if, for some reason, there is no support available or if he chooses not to accept support at different times. Acts 18:1-8.
As far as elders or pastors are concerned, the same principle applies to them. 1 Tim.. 5:17-22. Although many times they choose to provide most or all their support as they serve, still the Scriptures clearly teach that it is right and lawful for a local congregation to provide such full-time support.
Finally, the method by which such money is to be collected is stated clearly by Paul. It is to be done every first day of the week when Christians come together to worship. 1 Cor. 16:1-4.
By Gary Hunt