Can A Christians serve as a juror?
Judging of law violators is essential to any system or order. The O.T. is replete with examples of judgement by divine standards of right, some time directly by God, sometime by human instrumentality, but where approved always by established law and its requirement. Over a 400 year period 15 Judges ruled in Israel of the Old Testament. Cities had a judgement seat at he gate for disposition of these matters.
Juror duty imposes within the relationship to civil government and our establishes system of jurisprudence. Such function is within the framework of individual responsibility, approval of one’s conscience and qualification as unbiased. Cf. Rom. 13
The Bible deals with judging in this wise as applied to men. Mt. 7:1 “Judge not that ye be not judged. For with the same judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Harsh censorious judgement to magnify another’s faults while ignoring one’s own is here indicated. Contextually, within Sermon on Mount (Mt. 5-6-7) having to do with nature and character of kingdom (spiritual kingdom – church) citizenship. This is not primarily applicable to juror.
Jn. 7:24 “Do not judge according to appearances but judge righteous judgement.” Judgment has an established standard – “righteousness.” Therefore must be within God’s standard. All things are measured by the standard of “righteousness” and determination is made as to approval or disapproval.
Conclusion: Rom. 13 establishes “powers that be” i.e. are ordained by God. General rule of juror function and conduct falls within the purview of honesty, fairness, etc. No specific Bible directives applicable to juror, per se. Judgement has to do with conclusion on basis or standard of righteousness
By Julian Snell