Was Satan originally an angel who fell from Heaven?
Scripture usually brought into play in relation to this question are: Isa. 14:12-21. Context does not identify with Satan but Nebuchadnezzar, a wicked and infamous ruler of the Chaldean empire, i.e. babylon. Frame of reference punctuates wicked and devious character which brought about the fall from the highest as he exalted himself above God.
Luke 10:18 – With the return of the 70 disciples after being sent before Jesus to announce “The Kingdom of GOd has come near to you.” They gave report of their effort. “Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name.” (vs. 17). Jesus forecasts the ultimate defeat of Satan precedented upon the acceptance of the gospel as the power of God. His language is figurative “I saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven.” This emphasizes the ultimate victory over Satan through Christ and the Gospel. reality within every heart and life where Christ rules and his word guides.
Rev. 12: 7-9 – Amplifies Luke 10:l8 as in the final analysis victory of Christ over Satan is symbolically portrayed to emphasize we through Christ are more than conquerers. Satan is an ever present force – his efforts to defeat Christ and righteousness is a constant reality, details of his origin are not given. Assumption and limited are not given. Assumption and limited implication lends to created beings, perhaps originally angel, rebellion, cast down, now the ruler and prince of this world. No details!
By Julian Snell