Knowing God

June 4, 2023
Jesus said that eternal life is knowing God and Jesus whom God has sent. How can we know God? Jesus told His apostles that if they have seen Him they…
In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul commands we are to have the attitude within our selves displayed by Christ so we may serve God, being unified with Him and with one another.…
In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul commands we are to have the attitude within our selves displayed by Christ so we may serve God, being unified with Him and with one another.…
In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul commands we are to have the attitude within our selves displayed by Christ so we may serve God, being unified with Him and with one another.…
In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul commands we are to have the attitude within our selves displayed by Christ so we may serve God, being unified with Him and with one another.…
In Matthew 25, Jesus teaches the parable of the ten virgins where He contrasts the behavior of the 5 prudent compared to the five foolish virgins. Being unprepared when the…

one thing you lack

December 18, 2022
Jesus in Mark 10:21, said some challenging words to a rich young ruler that caused him to turn away from following Him fully. What were these words and do they…
Jesus, in Matthew 28:18-20, after He had died for our sins and rose from the dead, spoke some of His final words to His apostles, words we commonly call The…

Being A Christian v2

November 27, 2022
n this lesson, we study the three passages in the New Testament where the word Christian is found. What do these tell us about being a follower of Christ in…
In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus conclude His sermon on the mount by admonishing His hearers to build a life that cast last through the storms of life. This life is built…
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