April 17, 2016

The Jerusalem Church 3 Evangelized To All And Joyfully Obeyed While Persecuted 3

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Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: The Jerusalem Church

In the book of Acts, we have the Divine record of the gospel being preached and thousands obeying to be saved, become Christians. No one became a Christian by the Siiner’s prayer. Instead, we read they were saved when they believed in Jesus enough to repent of their sins, confess Him to be the Son of God and be baptized (immersed in water) for the forgiveness of their sins. After being saved, Jesus added them to His one universal church. In various localities, they assembled together as local churches. The first local church was the church meeting in Jerusalem. From Acts, we have the Divine record of this church that was guided and unified by the apostles’ teaching in their worship and work together. During its relatively short existence the church at Jerusalem evangelized to both Jews and Gentiles overcoming prejudice and misguided concepts about who showould receive the gospel and what should be required of them. The church endured at least 5 persecutions in which some of the members were murdered, many threatened and imprisoned. Others scattered to various parts of the Roman Emphire. Through all this, they joyfull evangelized and obeyed the Lord appealing to His authority as the source for all their conduct. They serve as a model for us to endure modern persecution and stand no matter what may come teaching the gospel to others without fear.

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