October 29, 2017

Make Disciples of All The Nations 1 What Is A Disciple?

Service Type:

Often, we can focus so much on teaching about Jesus’ church that we fail to emphasize the meaning of being His disciples. Many wrongly believe they have joined His church, an institution but have no close connection to Jesus and are often lax in His service. Jesus commanded His apostles to make disciples of all the nations. We are to follow in this commission. But, what is a dispel? In this lesson we will note that a disciple is a learner, follower and imitator of Jesus. We cannot service Him unless we learn to be like Him in character and actions. This conformity to His image comes when we continually learn from the gospel and apply it daily based on our love for and loyalty to Jesus. As disciples, we also must be disciple makers as well, teaching others how to become and remain His disciples.

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