Philippians BC9 Rejoice in the Lord always 3
In Philippians 4:1-9, Paul writes several practical exhortations which are to be practiced in daily life as Christians including rejoice always in the Lord. Even in great trials, we can have joy in the Lord as we serve Him being provided His mercy through Jesus each day as we repent and pray and the maturing and completing of our faith as we endure all trials and trust in Him to answer our prayers. This joy can only begin when we become Christians as the gospel instructs, believing in Jesus as the Son of God (Lord of heaven and earth and God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit), repenting (changing our minds) of our sins, confessing Jesus as the Son of God and being baptized (immersed in water) in Jesus’ name for the forgiveness of our sins. There is no joy in the sinners prayer because it does not make anyone a Christian. It is not found in the New Testament. So, let us study these exhortations and practice them each day to glorify and honor God.