Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Cases of Conversion Cornelius was serving God in some ways better than the Jews of his time but he was still not forgiven of his sins, not a Christian. But, he eagerly wanted to know the gospel and when he heard it, he obeyed it. We can be good in some ways too and still be lost because we have not obeyed the gospel in the way the scriptures reveal.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Cases of Conversion The first time in history the gospel was preached and people obeyed it to become Christians. As Jesus had promised, the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and began to speak in unlearned foreign languages. They spoke by the Holy Spirit the gospel message of salvation. About 3000 souls believed in jesus, repented of their sins and were baptized for forgiveness of sins becoming Christians, members of Jesus’ one church. Surprisingly, there was no Sinner’s prayer offered or said on that day. Man’s way of being saved by the Sinner’s prayer is not in the gospel according to the New Testament.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Cases of Conversion The first time in history the gospel was preached and people obeyed it to become Christians. As Jesus had promised, the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and began to speak in unlearned foreign languages. They spoke by the Holy Spirit the gospel message of salvation. About 3000 souls believed in jesus, repented of their sins and were baptized for forgiveness of sins becoming Christians, members of Jesus’ one church. Surprisingly, there was no Sinner’s prayer offered or said on that day. Man’s way of being saved by the Sinner’s prayer is not in the gospel according to the New Testament.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Cases of Conversion He was a man who loved God and tried to follow the Law of Moses but had not become a Christian. When he heard the gospel on a desert road, he obeyed it immediately confessing Jesus as the son of God and being baptized for the forgiveness of sins. When we have been taught correctly about Jesus and how to obey the gospel, are we willing to follow th Eunuch’s example to become a Christian in the only way the gospel teaches?
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Cases of Conversion Was Sual saved on the road to Damascus by the sinner’s prayer? If so, why when he reached Damascus, was he told to arise and be baptized washing away his sins and calling on the name of the Lord. Were you saved in the same way Saul was saved?
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Cases of Conversion He almost killed himself seeing the prisoners might have escapted. But, within the hour, he went from a desperate sinner to rejoicing as a new child of God, forgiven of His sins. This was done without any Sinner’s prayer but through his obedience to the gospel as revealed in the book of Acts. We too can be saved by the gospel if we are willing to believe in Jesus enough to repent of our sins and be baptized (immersed) in water for the forgiveness of our sins.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Cases of Conversion In Simon the magician we learn how to become a Christian and that we can fall after becoming a Christian, But thankfully, we learn what a Christian must do to turn back to the Lord. We can be lost after being saved but thankfully we can be restored back to Him if we choose to repnt and pray asking for His mercy.