Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
To fight against the Devil, we must be properly armor with God’s armor which includes faith, the word of God and watchful prayer.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
We are to be submissive to Christ in the fear of the Lord so that we can learn submission in all our earthly relationships.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
We are to be submissive to Christ in the fear of the Lord so that we can learn submission in all our earthly relationships.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
Active sacrifical love, being light so that people see the difference between right and wrong and appealing to the wisdom of Christ for how we think should all characterize the christian’s life.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
We must put off the old self and put on the new self. But how do we do it and what is involved in it and how long does it take?
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
We must put off the old self and put on the new self. But how do we do it and what is involved in it and how long does it take?
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
Instead of many churches following contradictory teachings, the Lord desires and demands unity. We are to patiently study with one another seeking for truth and rejecting error. We must not replace the oneness of God and the church with division of denominationalism. The church must be built up by the teaching and practicing of the one faith.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
Instead of many churches following contradictory teachings, the Lord desires and demands unity. We are to patiently study with one another seeking for truth and rejecting error. We must not replace the oneness of God and the church with division of denominationalism. The church must be built up by the teaching and practicing of the one faith.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians
Paul prays for the Ephesians to be strengthened in Christ and for them to pray believing God is able to do far more than they think or ask.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Ephesians, Faith
By the Holy Spirit, the apostles and prophets spke and wrote the New Testament revealing what had previously been a mystery. God had writtin in bits and pieces what His plan in Christ was in the Old Testament. But, now all was made clear for anyone to understand upon reading wht the apostles wrote.