Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
Last exhortations in James keeping us busy in the Lord’s service praising Him and helping others in physical and spiritual need.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
In trials, we need patience to continue in god’s service. James encourages patience and gives examples of the past for us to remember and imitate.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
In trials, we need patience to continue in god’s service. James encourages patience and gives examples of the past for us to remember and imitate.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
We make so many plans for the future and assume we will carry them out. But, do we depend on God and look to Him knowing that we are not in control of our lives and the future.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
We should love the world but not become likethe world in our thinking and behavior. If we do this, we become enemies of God.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
It is so hard to control our tongues. But, james says we must if would be perfect in serving God. How can we do this?
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Faith, James
Many wrongly have understood faith in such a way that they deny obedience to God’s word especially when it comes to being baptized for forgiveness of sins as the last step in becoming a Christian. Is there a contradiction between fiath and works? It depends on what type of works we are talking about. James clearly teaches faith must work and gives examples of what he means.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Faith, James
Many wrongly have understood faith in such a way that they deny obedience to God’s word especially when it comes to being baptized for forgiveness of sins as the last step in becoming a Christian. Is there a contradiction between fiath and works? It depends on what type of works we are talking about. James clearly teaches faith must work and gives examples of what he means.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
God condemns treating people differently based on external and arbitrary differences like clothing, social and economic status and skin color.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: James
It is not just knowing god’s word that is enough. We must apply those things we know otherwise we will be decived.