Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: The Voice of Satan
Indirectly Satan speaks to us today through sinful influences from a culture that is bent on following him. We too with the help of God can withstand temptation and pursue God’s escape and follow His will.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: The Voice of Satan
In the wilderness, Satan speaks to Jesus in order to destroy Him, turn him away from God. Jesus, aided by the Word of god, withstands Satan’s temptations continuing on toward the cross, bringing the salvation of humanity and defeat of Satan.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: The Voice of Satan
Satan speaks to God slandering Job, one of God’s righteous servants. Satan accuses Job of serving God just because he has been blessed with material wealth and physical health. Although God allows Satan to cause Job great suffering, he stands firm trusting in God.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: The Voice of Satan
The first lie recorded in human history spoken by Satan to Eve. She believed and followed his lie and humanity fell with consequences felt to this day.