October 11, 2020

The Church v2 2 The Nature of The Universal Church 1

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The universal church is the one body of people Jesus saves through the gospel. As people believe enough to repent of their sins, confess Him as the Son of God and be baptized (immersed in water0 for the forgiveness of their sins, Jesus saves them one by one. Then, He adds them to his one church, his saved body, the universal church. Understanding the nature of the universal church will keep us from perverting the nature, organization and work of His church, making it what He never intended. Many have been deceived into thinking of His one universal church as a universal earthly organization with an earthly headquarters that rules over all local churches that compose His church. None of this is in the Scriptures. Let us carefully and honestly study the nature of His universal church that we may be added only to it by Jesus and not pervert it in any way.

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