April 18, 2021

The Flesh Against The Spirit 1 The Battle of The Flesh And The Spirit 1

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God has uniquely created an above animals and the angels in His own image, possessing body, soul and spirit. It is our spirit that controls our thinking, desires and actions, that part of us that makes us most like God who is Spirit. Therefore, God created us with the power to make a choice to either serve Satan or Him. To serve Satan means we are living in the flesh, subject to sinful thoughts desires and deeds. To live in the Spirit means we are forgiven by and submissive to God through the gospel reveal and confirmed by the Holy Spirit. When we biome Christians through faith in Christ leading to repentance of sins, confession of Jesus as the Son of God and baptism (immersion in water) for forgiveness of our sins, our relationship with God changes but our Christian character is still yet to be formed. The gospel can change us but we must seek to learn and practice the fruit of the Spirit so we do not return to the deeds of the flesh. In this series, we study how we can overcome the flesh and bear the fruit of the Spirit with God’s gracious powerful help through His gospel.

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