The Power of God’s Word 2 The Foolishness and Weakness of God 2
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Faith, The Power of God’s Word | To many today, including many Greeks and Jews living in the first century, the gospel (good news) message God has revealed seems to be weak and foolish. To them, it is void of power and wisdom and should be rejected not meeting their logical reasoning’s and preconceived notions. But God has made His gospel message revealing His plan of salvation this way so that no human being would be able to boast before Him. All must believe and obey the gospel trusting in God’s wisdom and power, humbling themselves leaving aside their pride, strength and wisdom from the world. We look at some examples from the past of those who trusted in God’s powerful word receiving His results when they believed trusted in and obeyed His powerful Word. Today, we can be saved from our sins if we would believe and obey His gospel just as He has revealed it to all in the New Testament. The foolishness and weakness of God is wiser and stronger than man’s wisdom and power.