The Power of God’s Word 3 Power To Save Us 2
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Faith, The Power of God’s Word | Paul in Rom. 1:16 wrote that God has given the gospel as His power to save all who believe. Sadly though many do not receive the gracious power of God to forgive their sins because they have been wrongly taught about what they must do to be saved. Some errors on salvation include the sinner’s prayer, infant baptism and direct operation of the Holy Spirit among many others. But, the Word of God is clear we can be saved by the power of the gospel through Jesus’ blood if we believe to the point of obeying God’s conditions of pardon. Those who hear the gospel message and believe in Jesus as the Christ 9Messiah), the Son of God must also repent (change their mind) of their sins, confess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God before men and be baptized (immersed in water) for the forgives of their sins. We are saved by grace (God’s unmerited favor) through faith (trusting obedience to His Word). Let us carefully examine the Scriptures together to see whether these things are so. And, if they are, rejoice in obeying them to be saved.