February 16, 2020

The Power of God’s Word 4 Power To Transform Us 4

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Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Faith, The Power of God’s Word | In Romans 12:1-2, Paul commands Christians to be transformed (made different) by the renewing of their minds. The gospel is God’s power not only to forgive us of our sins but to also change us into the image of His Son, Jesus. We need to be transformed because although we have been baptized (immersed in water) into Christ, we have learned to think and act sinfully over much time. Therefore, our transformation into a living sacrifice acceptable to God will take time, occurring daily, as we learn to love and apply God’s Word in our lives to His glory. By His grace through His Word, He can change us but specifically how does this happen? Contrary to popular belief, this change is not instant but gradual through our lives. Let us study these lessons in order to be changed into Christ’s image to His glory.

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