February 23, 2020

The Power of God’s Word 5 Power To Overcome Our Habitual Sins 1

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Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Faith, The Power of God’s Word | In Romans 12:1-2, we are commanded to be transformed (made into a different form) by the renewing (adjusting) of our minds so we might become a living and holy sacrifice to God. This transformation begins when we becomes Christians, are saved by the grace (unmerited favor) of God, forgiven by the power of Jesus’ blood of all our past sins. Although we rejoiced greatly when we became a Christian, we continue to struggle with sins some more than others. Sometimes sin can continue with us for years, a habit that seems impossible to break. But, over time, with God’s help and one another, we can overcome these habitual sins to his glory. We must take our sins seriously and seek to fight against them rather than letting them go unchecked. As more matured Christians, we must be ready to help others struggling with particular sins looking to ourselves that we also may be tempted. We are to confess our sins to God and one another and pray for one another for forgiving and change in our lives by the gospel. We must be busy in study of the Word of God, worship and serving one another and the world to remain strong in the faith. Let us study how we may overcome habitual sins by the power of the gospel.

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