January 22, 2022

The Sermon On The Mount v2 1 An Overview

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In the second year of His earthly ministry, Jesus was popular among the common people, many following Him and bringing those who want Him to heal them. Still, they did not understand Jesus or the nature of His kingdom. At this same time, a conflict was increasing between Jesus and the religious leaders including the scribes and the Pharisees who considered themselves experts of the Law of Moses and bitterly hated Jesus accusing Him of blaspheming and lawbreaking. Jesus in Galilee goes to a mountain top and began teaching His disciples extensively about the good news of the kingdom of heaven to come found primarily in Matthew chapters 5-7. This is His most thorough teaching but least understood and least applied. What is this sermon about and how did it apply to those listening then living under the Law of Moses and us today who would become Christians? If we are going to be Christians today, it is essential that we understand and apply Jesus’ sermon on the mount.

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