Three Conditions of Going To Heaven
As Christians, we hope to go to heaven, to be in eternal glory with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all the redeemed of all ages. But, in order for us to go to heaven by His grace, unmerited favor, we must meet at least three conditions recorded by the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:6-8. These are conditions of faith, belief and trust in God that cause us to conduct ourselves in ways that please Him. Et us study these together so that we may have that hope of heaven.
Preached by Gary Hunt on 10/23/22
Lakeview church of Christ meeting at
132 New Shackle Island Rd
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Sunday Classes at 9:00 AM and Worship at 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM
Wednesday Classes at 7:00 PM
For more information, Call (615) 824-1376 or (347) 743-3934 or email or
Church website