God sent Amos, a country shepherd in Judah, to hardhearted Israel to rebuke their sins even though they were prospering economically. He stood firm even when threatened by them. The…
By 586 BC, the Babylonians had destroyed Jerusalem including its walls, the Temple of the Lord, the kin, and most of the people. God said that He would use the…
In this religious world, it is common for people to say, as long as you sincerely believe something, then God will be pleased with your faith. However, in all other…
Although God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, his actions are throughout working things together for good to accomplish His purpose through His people at that time, the…
What is God’s providence and how does God work in our lives today as His children? His providence is God looking ahead and providing for the accomplishing of His purpose…
What is God’s providence and how does God work in our lives today as His children? His providence is God looking ahead and providing for the accomplishing of His purpose…
What is God’s providence and how does God work in our lives today as His children? His providence is God looking ahead and providing for the accomplishing of His purpose…
Have you ever gotten upset because you observed that many wicked people seem to live a prosperous life materially speaking? And, on the other hand, many righteous people seem to…
Job stands in stark contrast to the false gospel of health, wealth and salvation trumpeted by so many today. Although Job was righteous, he suffered greatly. Through him, we learn…
Job stands in stark contrast to the false gospel of health, wealth and salvation trumpeted by so many today. Although Job was righteous, he suffered greatly. Through him, we learn…