April 29, 2018

You Condemn Yourself 2

Service Type:

Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: You Condemn Yourself

In Romans 1-3, Paul focuses on the need of both Jews and Gentiles for the gospel of Christ in order for them to be saved from their sins. The Jews could easily see and condemn the Gentiles for their idolatry and immorality. But, they could not see their own sins of pride, hypocrisy, self-righteousness and immorality. In this way, they condemned themselves by practicing the same sins for which they condemned the Gentiles. Like them, we also can condemn ourselves by being blinded to our sins to being proud of being God’s people, His one church and thinking He will favor us although we are not repenting of our sins. Let us note the principles given showing why the Jews condemned themselves and seek to avoid these same failures, depending on the grace of God to save us seeking to live each day by His Word to His glory.

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