
I was wondering if you could possibly answer a question pertaining to the types of business which would be suitable in the eyes on the Lord. My husband was recently offered the chance to own a new upcoming franchise. The problem that I have, is that, it has a bar inside a wing type restaurant. It is basically a sport-bar, wing-type restaurant. I personally don’t think that the Lord would approve of making money off peoples bad habits. If you know what I mean. Please send me some scripture passages that I can share with my husband regarding this issue. 


From the beginning, God had expected and demanded on man that he work. Gen. 2:15. However, after they sinned, work became more difficult than before. Gen. 2:16-17, Ch. 3, especially vs. 17-19.

Although we are still suffering from the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin, God has shown us that work has positive purposes and should be carried out as we would do in our service to Him. Work is for the purpose of providing what our family needs as well as sharing with others who are in need. And, if we do not make the effort to work and provide for our families, we are told we are worse than unbelievers. Eph. 4:28, Col. 3:17-4:1, 1 Tim. 5:8.

All that being said, how should we as Christians determine what type of work we should do? Although the Bible does not give us a specific list of occupations, we are provided with guidelines that should help make this important decision.

1. Is the occupation good, something that will not call on us to participate in that which is evil? Instead of participating in evil, we should be speaking against it and encouraging others to leave it. Eph. 4:28, 5:1-17.

2. Does it provide what is needed (not necessarily wanted) by my family? Also, am I able to share with others? 1 Tim. 5:8, Acts 20:35.

3. Does the example I set promote that which is good or cause doubt and lead others to compromising situations? 1 Cor. 8. These are at least a few principles that we need to keep in mind when choosing an occupation.

By Gary Hunt