What are the Biblical admonitions to join a Church?
This is an excellent question and there is much confusion about it. In order to answer it clearly, we must make several points.
First, most of the time when this question is asked, we usually mean, “Does the Bible teach that we should join a denomination (organized religious group)? Quite logically, the question would come because there are hundreds, maybe now even thousands, of different “churches” that go by different names and teach widely differing views on salvation, worship and so forth.
If you meant something along this line, the New Testament definitely teaches that we should not be involved in some man-made religious organization, no matter how old or how prominent it may be. Jesus, while on earth, condemned those Jews who followed the traditions of their peers rather than the Law of God. Matt. 15:1-20. He encouraged all to follow after the word of God and not the ideas of men. John 8:31-32. In this way, His followers would be unified. John 17:14-23.
Secondly, the question you ask should be answered in this way, if we want to follow the Bible. The New Testament does teach us that when we obey the Lord (believe in Him, repent of sins, confess His name and are baptized (immersed) in water for the forgiveness of our sins), we become part of His saved body of people, His church (called out ones). Acts 2:36-47, Eph. 5:22-25, 1 Cor. 12:13, Eph. 1:20-23. That is, all Christians are automatically members of Jesus’ church when we obey the gospel. The church, rather than being a worldwide organization or a grouping of varying worldwide organizations, is the sum total of all who are saved. We are related directly to Christ and there is no institution or any human being between us and Jesus.
As members of His body, His church, Jesus, as Head, has commanded us to work and worship together with other Christians in whatever local area we may happen to live. 1 Cor. 1:1-2, 1 Thes. 1:1, Rom. 16:16.
Each local church is responsible for its decisions (guided by the word of God and qualified elders) and there is no person or organization to determine their actions. Acts 14:23, 20:28-32, 1 Tim. 3, 1 Pet. 5:1-4. Each group is to work and worship together as Jesus has directed through His apostles. 1 Cor. 16:1-2, 11:19-34, Matt. 26:26-29, Eph. 5:19, 2 Cor. 11:8-9, Acts 20:7, Acts 2:42, 1 Cor. 5.
Like Paul did when He came to Jerusalem, we must seek out faithful Christians in the area where we are and carry out the obligations we have toward God and one another. Acts 9:23-31, Heb. 10:19-31.
Therefore, the answer to your question is, no, we should not join ourselves to a man-made religious organization, but we, after having been joined to Christ in the way the Bible teaches, should join ourselves to a local group of faithful Christians.
How do we know if a local church is following God? We must honestly and diligently evaluate all things that are done there by the standard of the New Testament. If they follow what is written, then we can gladly join with them. If they follow what is wrong, then we should try to teach them and if they will not turn, then we must not have anything to do with teachings and actions that oppose the gospel of Christ. Acts 17:10-12, Gal. 1:6-9, 2 John 9-11.
If you, or anyone, would like to locate a local church in your area, please click here and you will be taken to a page where you can link to a site where you can search for such a group of people. If you have trouble locating a group, please let me know.
By Gary Hunt