What is the work of the Holy Spirit?
The work of the Holy Spirit in the purpose of God is communication. John 14 tells us that Jesus promised his disciples to send them a Comforter (another like unto himself) after he went away.”he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (john 14:26). The disciples, later called apostles or those sent in the process of “teaching all nations” (Mt. 28:18-20) had the benefit of the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit in communicating the word of God. During this period of oral communication leading into a period of both oral and written communication of the gospel which ultimately leads to the written communication of God’s Word confined to the New Testament for us, the Spirit is the Divine Assist. He was working thru men in communication.
The Holy Spirit now works through the word of God in revealing, guiding and learning us. He is instrumental in our lives through the knowledge of divine truth we have learned and internalized. He dwells within us through his mediate, the Word.
By Julian Snell