In Genesis 4:3-5: Why, exactly, did God not favor Cain’s offering? I understand that Abel brought from the firstlings of his flock. The passage (v.3) says, “In the process of time…” It takes ‘time’ to grow things; why would God NOT favor Cain’s offering?
If we read the first 16 verses of Genesis 4, we get a better idea of the situation. The two sons born to Adam and Eve brought forth offerings to the Lord, Cain from the fruit of the ground and Abel from his flocks of animals.
One question we might ask here is, were they supposed to decide, on their own, what type of offering God would be pleased with or did God indicate directly to them what He would be pleased with? Although it may not be entirely clear in this passage, we can see that God did indicate to them what they should offer. When Cain is initially rebuked by God, He warns Cain that he can do better. He is telling him he is not living up to his potential, obeying God in bringing the right offering and in not being angry with his brother. The two things were sins, violations of God’s law. To act in a right way, would be acting by faith.
This is made even more clear when we read in Hebrews 11:1, 4. Here we are given many examples of what it meant to live and act by faith, putting one’s obedient trust in God. Abel is one who did this by following what God had revealed to him about what he should offer. Rom. 10:17. Cain is one who did not follow the word of the Lord.
It is a good lesson for us that we too should seek only to follow what the Lord says in regard to salvation, worship and anything else, rather than deciding what we think is best for us to offer to Him.
By Gary Hunt