October 21, 2024

Romans BC8T Contrast Fleshly And Spiritual Israel 3

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In Romans 1:16-8:39 Paul develops the theme of the letter, the gospel is God’s power to save both Jews and Gentiles. This is done by grace (unmerited favor) through faith (trusting, obedient belief) in ensues who has died for our sins and been raised from the dead where He is now ruling over all. Now, In Romans 9-11, he turns to the subject of God’s choices when it comes to how he executed His plan of salvation and the means by which he saves individuals through Christ. The Jews still held to the idea that God had chosen them because of who they were in a physical sense. But, God chose the Jewish people so that Jesus might be brought into the world to save whoever, whether Jew or Gentile, would respond to Him by obedient faith. God Chooses whoever chooses to trust and believe in Christ to be saved. Therefore it is those who are the people of God who have faith in Christ no matter their national or racial identity.

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