by Gary Hunt | Sep 24, 2015 | Bible Questions, False Teachings, Salvation
Question’ My mother recently became a Jehovah’s Witness. She says that only 144,000 are going to be in heaven — the “anointed ones”. Who exactly are the 144,000 that they are so fixed upon? Answer This is a confusing false doctrine. The...
by Gary Hunt | Sep 23, 2015 | Bible Questions, False Teachings, The Lord’s Church and Worship
Question Please tell me if and where the bible says we shouldn’t eat or have a church play in the church.i believe where they are two or more people you could have church.i thought the church was just a building. Answer In 1 Corinthians 11Paul was dealing with...
by Gary Hunt | Sep 23, 2015 | Bible Questions, False Teachings, The Lord’s Church and Worship
Question Is music an expression for worship in today’s church? Answer I believe the question should be, “Was music an expression for worship in the New Testament Church?” Isn’t it true that if we worship as they worshipped and obey the desires...
by Gary Hunt | Sep 23, 2015 | Bible Questions, False Teachings, The Lord’s Church and Worship
Question In John 2:15, Jesus threw everyone, buyers AND sellers alike, out of the temple for making His house a marketplace. When a church has fund raisers, even though the money is used to further the ministry, is this considered “merchandizing? What about...
by Gary Hunt | Sep 23, 2015 | Bible Questions, False Teachings, The Lord’s Church and Worship
Question I need help on where in the bible ; does (tithes) appear about giving 1/10 of ones earnings to the church. Answer The New testament does not legislate “how much” we should give to a local congregation, although some denominations have made their...
by Gary Hunt | Sep 23, 2015 | Bible Questions, False Teachings, The Lord’s Church and Worship
Question What day is the Sabbath? How important is it, in keeping God’s Sabbath Day? How do we keep the Sabbath Holy? Answer The Sabbath Day was on the seventh day of the week and was observed by the Jewish people as a day of rest. It was given only to the Jews...