September 5, 2024

Marriage Divorce and Remarriage 4

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Today marriages that God intends to stay together for life often end in divorces that God hates. Then, one or both spouses remarry in marriages that God call adultery. Legally divorce and remarriage may be easy and allowed but in God’s sight these are not authorized. It is God who created and governs marriage for our good and His word is the final say on this and all matters. When we disobey the will of God in marriage, we affect not only our souls but the souls of those we may entangle into marriages that God calls adultery. Who does not have the right to divorce and remarry? Who does have the right to divorce and remarry? These are the questions we seek to answer by God’s Word. Also, what are some popular false teachings that encourage people to remain in marriages God call adultery? Let us humbly and honestly study the Scriptures that we may honor marriage as God has authorized.

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