Preacher: Murray Wade As Christians we should have a great desire to seek and save the lost through the teaching of the gospel. But, there are many obstacles that hamper…
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: The Nature and Work of The Holy Spirit There is as much confusion as there is interest in the subject of the Holy Spirit. Rather…
Preacher: Murray Wade
Examples in Acts showing our responsibility to preach the gospel.
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Reverencing God
Reverence is a response to God’s greatness, His power, His holiness and His mercy – to all He is. Reverence is a a deliberate caution in how we approach God, an attitude of modesty, bashfulness toward God. Reverence is also a fearful attitude toward God based on godliness, our desire to obey God in all things. Let us love and fear God so our worship, study of His word and daily lives might be characterized by reverence toward God.
Preacher: Dwayne Bronger
Can the church of Christ remain unaffected by Political Correctness?
Preacher: JR Bronger
The prophet Elijah although his faith was great found himself greatly discouraged. We too can easily be discouraged. With God’s help, how can we overcome discouragement?
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Unity
How can Jesus be a unifier and a divider at the same time? He said He came to bring a sword instead of peace. He sais He came to divide members of a family. What did He mean? Is unity always good and division aways bad?
Preacher: Gary Hunt | Series: Unity
How can Christians be unified as jesus prayed? And, why are there so many divisions among those who call themselves Christians? Can division always be avoided?