March 24, 2024

The Church and The Kingdom

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The word church is used 115 times in the New Testament and is one of the most misunderstood words in Scripture. Many confuse it with a building or some type of universal institution or organization compose of local congregations. It is this institution they say that is placed between people and Christ. Only by being in this institution can we gain the blessings Christ has to offer. But is this true? No, the word church simply means an assembly without respect to what type of people are assembled. When it refers to the Lord’s church, it is the assembly of people who Jesus saves, whether they are composed of all individuals in the word whom He saves by the gospel or a number of individuals who gather together in a location to work and worship as He commands. When we think of church, we must think of people who have a relationship with God through Christ. There is no such thing as an institution between us and God. One of the ways the people of God, saints, Christians, are described is by the word kingdom, those who willing submit to the rule of Christ the King. Let us focus on this description and see how that affects our thinking and practice regarding being a part of His church, saved body of people.

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