The Bible Gives Several Definitions For Sin

How can we know what sin is? Shall we take a poll? Shall we define it for ourselves? Shall we allow each family or each communictyt to define it in whatever way they see best. Since Sin relates to how we treat God and since He is the one we disrespect and disobey,...

What Must We Do To Be Saved?

The Most Important Question We Can Ask Of all the questions that we can ask, this is ultimately the most significant one. However, before we can ask this one, we must ask and answer at least two other questions: Although this question is so important to each human...

Some False Ways To Be Saved

Depending on who you ask, you will find that many different answers are given to this most important question, “What must we do to be saved?” How could this be? Just as there is only one answer to the question, “Who is Jesus?”, there is also...